【Wanlin Huang】 (Consumer Culture section)
I’m so glad that I made it to become part of JING Forum 2021 family, where I met some of the most brilliant minds with a generous heart, openness to constructive conversations and long sustained curiosity. We formed friendships even in the first virtual session, also in the recreation nights we spent together lol. I firmly believe JING Forum is a precious experience in today’s world, as it brings you towards another group of inspiring young adults in an intriguing country, and provides the opportunity of getting to know them as a friend, instead of studying them through ideologically biased information and old-fashioned anthropology textbooks. Talk to real people here, just like you and me. DO join the JING Forum.
【Yusheng Wu】 (Consumer Culture section)
During Jing forum,delegates from both sides communicate enthusiastically, achiving many wonderfual memories:oc,recreation night,visiting embassy and ofc the daily group discussion.Although we all have different growing backgrounds, the biggest of which might be the distinction in our nationalities, our delegates are willing to share their opinions or bring out their questions, which would always be answered with tolerence. It's our coloboration and efforts to make ourselves understood that really promote the mutual comprehension.I would personally welcome everyone who holds interest towards China and its culture participating in our heated discussion in Jing Forum.
本次北京会期难忘瞬间可太多了,不过印象最深刻的还是“Do as you want to”,下面我来完整梳理下这个梗的诞生史。事情是这样子的:Day 6准备final presentation的时候我们在抠一个小细节,日方的组长Allen突然来了一句“Do as you want to wwww”,我觉得特有意思,然后加了一个补充:(Allen,2021)。然后Day 7的OC播放vlog的时候我们在群里面聊起来,聊到Allen电脑是联想的,然后Iwamon说他电脑坏了,事情的真相是……(可以放聊天记录的截图),然后Iwamon发了一张这样的表情包(可以放图),所有人都笑疯了,自此开始频繁玩梗x言归正传,无论是上下午议程开始前十分钟闲(尬)聊,还是喝着奶茶在recreation night隔空无间道,都是Beijing Session特别的美好回忆!Day 3 下午场结束的时候,Allen在一阵沉默之后慢慢说了一句:You know what? We should prevent the stupid war from happening(大意如此)然后对之前那段令人相当不愉快的历史进行反省,日方代表们也点头表示同意。在Day 6晚上开完pre修改会之后,Masaki、JY找到我和Allen开了个小会,原来是因为他们那部分有些内容措辞涉敏,感觉需要修改一二,哪知道我们聊了好久,从二战历史聊到中国人对历史传统的认同.......后面我才知道Masaki那天晚上忍着头疼听我们扒拉了快一个小时,尽管他和我们的观点存在很大的分歧,但他还是尊重我们的意见,淡化了报告中潜在的意识形态冲突——也许,京论坛最令我感动之处正存在于这种交往理性存在的可能性。

【Xiang Chen】 (Power and Disourse section)
What makes the JingForum different from other international exchange programs I have attended is that it emphasizes dialogues with substance, truthfulness and honesty, rather than shying away from sensitive aspects regarding the historical interactions of our two nations.
While it is true that "harmony" is an important element in international communications, it is also inevitable for both sides to fall into an impasse of generalized and over-simplified rhetoric if harmony is being pursued as the ultimate goal. During these seven days, we shared our ideas on the Japanese controversial nuclear water issue, Bushido, women’s rights and so much more. We both sought to “seek common grounds while preserving differences" and spared no effort to yield tangible results.
【Zheng Jiaqi 】(Power and Discourse section)
A week of JING Forum has passed. Figuratively speaking, it went like a dream, which starts and eludes in a similar manner: sweet, fast, yet elusive, leaving only faint melancholy as well as satisfaction. Yet the week of our Peking session is also far from a dream, for we have gone through hardship, labored day and night, and finally, we were indeed rewarded, or at least I was. For I would say: I might fail to remember every point we have raised throughout the discussion, yet I can still find summary documents of discussions in my computer; I can well remember—how could I forget? —faces of all delegates belonging to our group, and also their smiles, their embarrassment, their manners of speech… After everything is gone, impressions are left.
【Ziyu Shu】 (Public Policy section)
Jing Forum is the most unforgettable experience that I ever had. It was the first time that I participated in such an academic but interesting activity having a sufficient and deep interaction with Japanese students. Students from University of Tokyo showed their rigorous thought, keen social concern and polite attitude to communication which deeply impressed me during the forum. Though our topic which about social policy and justice is a relevant sensitive theme, we could be patient to describe, explain and listen to each other about political issues with the minimum of stereotype and bias. I can say we are the BEST team with tacit cooperation and amazing final presentation. Can’t wait for see you guys in Tokyo in Japan! :D